
Formation is the work of God who forms us like a potter. It is a work of faith which transforms us.

A call to follow and imitate the Lord
“The source of our formation is to be found in the call received from the Lord to follow and imitate him (SRL 101), a call which gives meaning and unity to the different elements of the formation process; it orientates them towards the choice that we make to live, with all our being, the Paschal mystery. It is these elements which also help us to grow more and more as disciples and servants of the Gospel. This movement finds concrete expression in the gift that we make of ourselves by living the Paschal mystery of our baptism through our religious consecration to the apostolate.

Formation is the work of God who forms us like a potter. It is a work of faith which transforms us. It requires continual discernment in order to answer the call we have received and to allow the talents given to us by God to bear fruit.”